I'm Layne,

MSN, AFMC Certified Functional Practitioner

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Are you wanting to resolve:

  • Bloating, IBS, heartburn, or food intolerances
  • Painful, heavy, or irregular periods
  • Sluggish metabolism 
  • Burnout or exhaustion
  • Feeling wired but tired 
  • Mood swings or irritability
  • Not feeling confident in your skin
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Maybe you are:

Trying everything that you know to do.

Confused about the right path for you. 

Taking shots in the dark, hoping something sticks.

Frustrated that you're not getting the results you're working for.

Overwhelmed with all the info online. 

Not feeling validated or supported in how to feel your best.

But above all, you are seeking a holistic, personalized approach that is different than what you've experienced before. 

If that's you, we can help.

If you want:

✔ Answers & your unique lab insights

✔ Strategy and a clear roadmap

✔ Understanding of your root-cause dynamics at play

✔ Support and empowerment


Keep reading...


  My Approach Encompasses These 3 Keys   


Gain insight to the imbalances in your body that are contributing to gut dysfunction, period abnormalities, sluggish metabolism, fatigue, mood swings, & more.


Receive a custom wellness protocol involving targeted supplements, nutrition, and lifestyle tweaks to help alleviate your symptoms at the roots. 



In our programs, you will have high-level, step-by-step support & guidance throughout your journey to help you achieve your ultimate wellness goals. 

Explore Working Together


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Download 'The Gut Rescue Guide'

Experience easy digestion, more energy, better moods, & balanced hormones.

✔Uncover the sneaky dynamics behind gut dysfunction & how it affects your energy, mood, & hormones 

✔ Get clarity on the top 3 areas that make the biggest impact

✔ Actionable steps to feel better faster
Access this free guide for a roadmap to optimizing your gut & hormones with ease.

Get The Instant Download




We love getting results for people just like you. 


 Read some successes from past clients below.

Abby F. 

When I started working with Layne, I was at a very low point. As a healthcare professional, I felt incredibly frustrated that I knew something was wrong but all of my labs and tests were coming back “normal”. I had been seen but not heard by so many practitioners and felt very hopeless. I am a different person after working with Layne. I didn’t realize how bad my “normal” was until I started feeling genuinely good. It was so incredibly validating to have tests done and evidence as to why I was feeling the way I was and to then have actionable tips on how to improve my symptoms and overall quality of life. I am now able to eat so many foods I previously could not tolerate which is so exciting as someone who loves food. I no longer experience painful periods and my periods are regular for the first time after coming off of birth control. My inflammation has decreased significantly.  My night sweats resolved, my sleep improved, and my anxiety significantly decreased. Starting to work with Layne was one of the best decisions I ever made.

 Kendra M. 

When I started working with Layne I was exhausted and irritable, the brain fog was awful and I had no energy to spend time with my family or friends. I was short with my husband, I had horrible bloating and acid reflux with every meal. I was surviving at best. Over the course of six months, I got answers to questions that doctors had ignored or cast aside...and for the first time I understood what was happening with my body and I didn't feel like I was crazy anymore. I feel like an entirely new person. I have the energy to finish my work day AND go hang out with my family. I am so much less irritable and have joy again. Even my depression and anxiety has improved. My bloating and heartburn is virtually gone, I was also able to go off birth control and am having easier periods than I ever have before. For the first time in a VERY long time, I feel connected to my body.

Morgan T.  

Working 1:1 with Layne was worth every penny! If I had access to someone like Layne 17 years ago, believe me when I say I would have spent A LOT LESS money overall.  Bloating was a REGULAR occurrence and an unwelcome discomfort - but I had no real clue on how to alleviate it. Really seeing the full picture of what my body needed was incredible. What’s even more incredible is when you trust Layne’s knowledge you’ll see and feel the improvement each day!! Bloating, irritability, food sensitivities, painful periods...All have improved!

Cherylynn T. 

I am sleeping so much better ever since being with Layne as my practitioner! My anxiety levels have decreased, mood is much better now, I have a lot more self-confidence when it comes to things I have never tried before. With the change of mindset, habits, supplements, and helpful information from each session with Layne I am better overall! SOOO thankful for Layne! I am able to take all this information that I learned and habits with me for the rest of my life.

Sarah P.  

Working with Layne has been life changing! Knowledge is such power. Ten + years of hypothyroidism left me with debilitating fatigue even after having ‘normal levels’ according to specialists. It was only exasperated after having children, not just ‘drink a coffee and power through’ kind of fatigue. Bloating and uncomfortable gut issues got worse and worse too. With so much information online and on social media today, I knew it was time to invest in a guide to eliminate the guesswork. Layne has been able to help me reach goals on a manageable timeline while ‘holding my hand’ when necessary. Gut issues started resolving or completely disappeared within a short window, and I’m on my way to feeling steady energy for the first time despite setbacks along the way. Layne truly wants to walk alongside you implementing changes that are tailored to heal your body. The way she has broken down manageable goals has made the knowledge life changing! Her empathy, peace, and encouragement make her a bright light and joy to work with. Forever grateful for her strategic workflow, caring heart, and knowledge!

Anne J.

I didn’t know JUST how much I needed Layne's guidance and instruction until we started working together. I have much more energy during the day (no more afternoon naps), my skin looks better (clearer), I’m less bloated, and I don’t feel stressed every day.  Her insight into how medications and nutrition affect your gut health changed my perspective on functional medicine. On her recommendation, I’ve made dietary changes and weaned off of my reflux medicine.  I’m excited to see what the long term effects are going to be and  I would gladly work with Layne anytime.

Ellie W.

My gut health was absolutely terrible when I started working with Layne. I had constant acid reflux, frequent nausea, morning vomiting, terrible IBS flare ups, and was missing work due to my symptoms often. Since working with Layne I have not had acid reflux, I have not been vomiting, my bowel movements are much more regular, and my comfort level with my gut overall is so much better! I have learned that healing is not linear, I did not get sick over night and I will not heal overnight. Having my own power and education has been life changing.

Denise H. 

I cannot say enough positive things about Layne. First of all, it is so evident that she truly cares about me and my health situation and goes above and beyond to get to the root cause of my illness. She is truly a compassionate person and loves what she does. She has helped me with my muscle pain, which has diminished greatly, with my sleep problems, and with my gut problems. I feel so much better than when we began this journey and I shudder to think how I would be feeling right now if Layne were not helping me!

Kasey T. 

From 2015 to current, I have been receiving a diagnosis a year. From 2015 - 2017, I was being prescribed an endless amount of prescriptions with long lasting side effects, I was told how normal my labs were, I was not listened to when I would express any form of uncomfortability or pain. It felt like I was getting pawned off on a different specialist each time the Dr. I was seeing "couldn’t explain" a symptom I was experiencing. So I quit. I quit seeking help in Western Medicine, I began listening to myself, I began my own research. I found Functional Medicine and Holistic Healing practices. I have moved my Stage IV Endometriosis, IBS, Sjogrens, and Hashimotos into remission and feel confident that my body is healing daily. I have never felt more empowered in my health journey, I love knowing that I have the power to heal my own body. I’ll scream it from the rooftops until every human knows they contain this power as well. Healing is possible, through Functional Medicine.

Book A Call w/ Layne

I'm Layne,

Certified Functional Practitioner

With over 15 years in the health industry, I'm here to help YOU overcome the uncomfortable gut symptoms, exhaustion, and less-than-ideal periods so that you can feel empowered & radiant.

I believe we are meant to feel well *regularly*, and that we deserve more when it comes to our health and wellness.

When we get to the root causes of the imbalances in your body, we can then pull in the appropriate tools to restore resilience.

Learn More About Layne

Get my Gut Rescue Guide

Your roadmap to easier digestion, better moods, more energy, & balanced hormones.

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